
LEADER: White with green stripes.

Leader jersey for the Volta general classification. Sponsored by Catalunya-Esportcat.

MOUNTAIN: White with red stripes.

Leader jersey for the Volta mountain classification. Sponsored by iryo.

YOUTH: White with orange stripes.

Leader jersey for the youth classification. Sponsored by Vera.

POINTS: White with blue stripes.

Leader jersey for the points classification. Sponored by Loteries de Catalunya.

BEST CATALAN RIDER: Jersey to honour the best Catalan rider.

On the last day of the race, it is presented to the highest ranked Catalan rider in the general classification. Sponsored by Moritz.


Daily award to every stage winner of the Volta a Catalunya. Sponsored by RACC.


Prize awarded to the most combative cyclist of the stage. Sponsored by Finisher.

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