The press accreditations for the 104th edition of the Volta Ciclista a Catalunya are open since February 3rd until March 21st, 2025.
All the press professionals that require an accreditation for the 104th edition of the Volta Ciclista a Catalunya have to write an email to with the following data.
- Name and surnames:
- Company:
- Post / Position:
- Media (Written/ Radio / Photograph / TV / Online...):
- Address:
- Country:
- Telephone:
- Email:
And attach a press card or letter of recommendation of the media.
Other considerations:
*The Volta will not accept accreditations out of term.
*Due to space limitations and for the security of the cyclists and the media professionals, the Volta will not accredit at the finish area photographers that do not have the press licence or letter of recommendation of the media from which they work.
*The accreditations will be preferably collected at the Permanent Office of the "Volta" during the Sunday 23rd of March.
*For any doubt or question, contact with