Mataró will live the spectacle of the Volta next 2024

November 3 rd 2023 - 12:30 [GMT + 1]

Mataró has consolidated its position as one of the most loyal towns to the Volta Ciclista a Catalunya and will host a stage start of the next edition of the competition. The capital of Maresme, a usual city on the route of the Volta in the last decade, will once again be a protagonist in the 2024 edition of the Catalan cycling race, which brings the spectacle and infrastructure of the best cycling in the world to its event.

It will be the seventeenth time in its history that Mataró will be the protagonist of a start or finish of the Volta Ciclista a Catalunya. In particular, the capital of Maresme has become a true classic in the last decade, being present on the route of the Catalan race on eight occasions since 2014, always with a significant presence of public.

In seven of these visits, Mataró has starred in a stage start, transforming the Camí de la Geganta into an ideal setting to enjoy the interaction between the public and the race caravan.

For its part, in 2021, in the historic 100th edition of the Volta, it hosted a stage finish, living the victory of an icon of modern cycling as the triple world champion Peter Sagan. Previously, such important names in the history of cycling as Julián Berrendero (1943), Vicenç Iturat (1955), Luis Ocaña (1970) and Johan van der Velde (1982) had won in Mataró.

In the last edition, Mataró hosted the start of the second stage, which led the riders to the Vallter mountain station, where the Italian Giulio Ciccone won ahead of the two favourites for the final victory, Primoz Roglic and Remco Evenepoel.

"Mataró is a city linked to cycling historically as well as at present where there are many fans in different categories: track, MTB, BMX, road ... For Mataró it is an honour to participate again in the Volta Ciclista a Catalunya, a sporting event of international scope that also becomes a promotional element of the city" explains the mayor of Mataró, David Bote.

"For the Volta a Catalunya, it is a pleasure to continue to have the confidence of Mataró to be part of the route of a prestigious event like the Volta Ciclista a Catalunya. Mataró is a city with a great cycling tradition, as evidenced by its commitment to our sport in recent years and the exceptional public response that we have always enjoyed in recent editions. We are sure that we will enjoy a great spectacle again in 2024", celebrated the president of the Volta Catalunya, Rubèn Peris.

Being one of the greatest cycling races in the world thanks to its presence in the UCI World Tour calendar, the Volta a Catalunya has an important international television broadcasting that reaches 190 countries and the five continents, through 33 international broadcasters. Apart from this media impact, the Volta also has a direct economic impact, taking into account the more than 700 people who spend the night every day during the week of competition.       

Mataró will be one of the cities for the 103rd edition of the Volta Ciclista a Catalunya, which will be held from 18 to 24 March 2024 with the participation of the best cycling teams in the world, who will be looking to take over from the last winner, the Slovenian Primoz Roglic.

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